
Дефолтные списки

  • All lists have their top margin removed
  • And their bottom margin normalized
  • Nested lists have no bottom margin
    • This way they have a more even appearance
    • Particularly when followed by more list items
  • The left padding has also been reset
  1. Here’s an ordered list
  2. With a few list items
  3. It has the same overall look
  4. As the previous unordered list

Сброс дефолтных списков

  • All lists have their top margin removed
  • And their bottom margin normalized
  • Nested lists have no bottom margin
    • This way they have a more even appearance
    • Particularly when followed by more list items
  • The left padding has also been reset
  1. Here’s an ordered list
  2. With a few list items
  3. It has the same overall look
  4. As the previous unordered list